Call of duty black ops cold war utorrent
Call of duty black ops cold war utorrent

call of duty black ops cold war utorrent

Then you will have to play as a prisoner who was caught by the CIA. At the end of the game, you will choose what to do in the most decisive situation. Throughout the game, you will find out, looking for other agents and fighting against various opponents of the USSR. This is the main antagonist of the whole game, but the closer you get to him, the more you realize that he is not an agent of the USSR at all, he is a more serious and dangerous figure.

call of duty black ops cold war utorrent

They sent a lot of their best spies to America, which you will follow. The Soviet Union wants to destabilize the situation in the country and on the entire Western front. In the single player campaign, you have to control a CIA agent and prevent various attacks on the US Parliament. Outside the window is 1980, the height of the Cold War. The plot tells about a specialized US CIA agent named Russell Adler, who must eliminate one of Perseus’s many Soviet spies in order to stop destabilization in the situation. High-quality continuation with an interesting plot, graphics and great gameplay. In total, this series of action movies is 17 episodes. Action came out under the leadership of Activision, as well as most parts of Kal of Duty. This is the sixth installment in the Black Ops franchise specifically. Size: 54.17 GB | Seeds: 1419 Lychees: 122Ĭall of Duty: Black Ops – Cold War download torrent of a recently released action-shooter toy with a familiar first-person camera view.

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  • Call of duty black ops cold war utorrent