Solarwinds network performance monitor npm
Solarwinds network performance monitor npm

NPM displays latency and packet loss details for each hop making it easy to pinpoint cloud service performance issues and problems with your Internet providers. NetPath probes external locations and provides complete hop-by-hop maps. With a sensor loaded on the NPM host and linked to a switch mirror port, it showed graphs of traffic volumes plus response times, along with pie charts of business, social and potentially risky activities. NPM's Quality of Experience (QoE) provides even greater insight as can identify over 1,200 predefined apps. We could easily see which VMs were running and view graphs of virtual memory, CPU and network interface utilization. NPM discovered our VMware vCenter and Hyper-V systems and presented a wealth of information on the hosts and all their associated VMs. Using the new Pencil tool, we found it easy to modify dashboards by adding and sizing extra columns, choosing resource views and placing them in the order we wanted. It's capable of presenting a huge amount of information which we refined with customised views. Along with customisable distribution maps, the dashboard home page shows at-a-glance views of all network activity and uses colour coded icons to highlight problems.

solarwinds network performance monitor npm

The web console provides quick access links to dashboards, alerts, reports and settings.

solarwinds network performance monitor npm

Keep a close eye on their use from the console's Details page as we found they get consumed very quickly, but it's easy enough to delete those you don't need from the Manage Nodes page. Licensing is based on monitored nodes, interfaces and volumes, with an SL100 license enabling 100 of each type.

Solarwinds network performance monitor npm